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Chinese Name:紫晶洞
English Name: Amethyst Geode
Chemical Composition:SiO2
Crystal System:Trigonal
RI:1.544 - 1.553 (Double refraction +0.009)
Locality:Brazil, Uruguay
*Place a crystal sphere inside a amethyst geode can enchance the energy level.
1. Use for adjusting energy field for surroundings/environments, strong power from the geode shape.
2. Place it in office, helps to build up the relationship between colleagues and clients.
3. Rising up spiritual level, get rid of negative energy. A charm for protection at home/office.
4. Place a white quartz sphere or white quartz cluster inside the geode can enhance its' energy field.
5. Stones which need to be cleaned can place inside the geode.
6. Help in thinking process, creativity and increase memory.
7. Open up the third-eye charka, enhance the 6th sense, increase memory.
General care:
1. Avoid Leaving the gem in strong light or heat as colour may fade.
2. Cleaning: Use lukewarm plain water, mild soap and a soft brush to scrub behind the stone where dirt can collect.
Address: B26, 1/F, San Po Kong Plaza, 33 Shung Ling Street, San Po Kong, Kowloon, HK
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